
For many years now, a concern of mine has been that the purpose of free trade and the agreements that envelop trade between regions has not been properly explained or promoted to communities, especially at the grass roots level. Recently, Guillermo Malpica, trade commissioner of Mexico and executive director at the American Chamber of Commerce in Monterrey, Mexico, paid San Antonio a visit for a series of roundtables and presentations on the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement(USMCA). At



POSTURA DE ANIERM No participar en la renegociación del Tratado de Libre Comercio de América del Norte, si para ello se exige como condición: El financiamiento de México para la construcción de un Muro fronterizo en la frontera sur de los Estados Unidos a fin de prevenir la migración ilegal al territorio estadounidense; La imposición de impuestos a las remesas enviadas por trabajadores extranjeros desde los Estados Unidos a sus países de origen, en particular

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BINATIONAL SHARED PRODUCTION. WHAT IS THAT? By Jorge Canavati I was impressed by Dr. Leonardo Curzio’s presentation during the recent Asociación de Empresarios Mexicanos (AEM) annual gala. In additional to his presentation, he very eloquently introduced the honoree for that evening, Nadbank CEO, Geronimo Gutierrez. Leonardo is a well-respected columnist and author considered one of the 300 most influential leaders of Mexico. During his presentation, he showed a slide from a Wall Street Journal article